Tag Archives: lining

What Is Endometriosis and Should You Be Concerned

Most people have never heard of endometriosis and even those that have know little about this medical condition. But like many medical conditions that can seriously affect one?s life, endometriosis can be managed and the risks minimized if a person takes the time to do their homework. Here are some facts and background about the condition known as endometriosis that should help anyone get a better grasp of the condition and how it may affect their lives. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, endometriosis […]

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Endometriosis Knowing Is Half the Battle

They say women are blessed with the gift of child bearing. This also means having the burden of monthly periods and everything it entails. It requires doubling the hygiene rituals as disregarding those may cause complications. One of these complications can be endometriosis. Endometriosis is a common issue for women over 30 who are of reproductive age but have never been pregnant. It is common to an estimated 89 million women but is most often shrugged off as the usual premenstrual syndrome. Though it appears to hit […]

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Endometriosis – The Fear of the Unknown

Every month, many young women experience an event that is unique to the female human species: the monthly period. Aside from pregnancy and giving birth, the monthly period is one of the most intricate, memorable, and irritating experiences for a woman. Menstruation, or period, is a woman’s monthly bleeding. It is the preparation of a woman’s body for pregnancy. Without a pregnancy, the uterus sheds its lining. The blood that is shed includes tissue from inside the uterus or womb. The blood passes out of the body […]

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